
Recovery stories from those who made their journey with Apricity at Mooring House, Casa Clare, and or Apricity Contract Packaging (formerly STEP Industries).

Apricity Patient Testimonial

"The shame people felt from admitting that they have an addiction is not nearly as bad as the shame of being an addict."

- Randy, a Father

"Apricity has literally been my winter's warmth. It saved my life and made me want to actually live. I cannot thank you all enough."

"I found that being held accountable for my actions was the most helpful. Also, being given a different perspective from a professional standpoint and from a perspective that was based off of factual evidence, not just feelings or advice. It gave me a foundation in which built me up in such a manner I have more confidence and self-awareness I have ever experienced in my life."

"The staff had a variety of skill sets and personalities that offered an array of different insights and perspectives on the treatment we were receiving. None of the staff gave me a feeling of inferiority, but they made me feel sincerely cared about and listened to."

"The staff and counselors mean very much to me. This was new and unnerving and uncomfortable, but looking back to my first day now, and seeing myself today, Mooring House has turned me into a beautiful butterfly. I have all the love and respect for those that have helped me on my journey and enabled me to make that happen. Thank you."


"Dear Apricity staff, coming into this facility I was entirely scared and I honestly felt that I had given up on myself and lost all hope. I swore that the decisions I made and the past that haunted me was unforgivable and I wouldn’t ever be able to move past it. Now that I am discharging, I am so sad to go because this place is absolutely AMAZING! Each and every one of you guys have assisted and impacted me in a positive way and I am eternally grateful. Thank you, guys, for giving me a chance. I will miss you all dearly and carry the education and skills I learned with me forever."

"I like that you challenged me in things that weren’t in my comfort zone. Also holding me accountable. I feel more confident when others are able to see and share my growth. Telling me that they have confidence in me...helps me see that in myself. My counselor, was open to my questions, popping in if necessary when you were available. Those things were important to me. Thank you!"

"Casa Clare has helped me tremendously on my recovery journey and life journey growing into an insightful productive community member. The counselors are great, house managers are helpful, and programming is impactful."

"Casa Clare has changed my life. In just 30 days I have managed to be a more positive happy person and any irrational thoughts are now crushed before I act on them! Honestly such an uplifting experience. The staff, the counselors, the groups, the food, and the other clients! A+!"

"I am SOOO thankful for this program and all the counselors here. I appreciate the time I have spent here and it really does work if you want to be sober and you work this program! I am proud of being a client of Apricity and thankful."

"The open communication and non-judgmental care make it possible to talk about uncomfortable recovery topics."


"I appreciate everything Casa Clare did for me and all the staff who helped support me. It changed my life and made me a better person, I'm forever grateful."

"My counselor accepted me as a person who needed help in the recovery process."

"My counselor was stern when she needed to be gentle when it was needed. She would always go the extra mile to find proper resources for me promptly. She always had an open door, willing to receive my e-mails and respond nearly at anytime, she was willing to advocate for me when she felt I was misunderstood by other staff, but at the same time be genuine and truthful, I never doubted that she was just going through the motions, as far clinician based themes she would always help me work through things with her advice but also help me make realizations myself. I can't say anything bad about her she's gone above and beyond anything I could expect and I'm grateful."

"I learned to set boundaries and I deserved to be valued."

"My counselor is the best, I only wish that I can have aftercare with her."

"My counselor provided very good self-reflection for me to work on myself and improve my awareness to, the things that are not so healthy for me."


"I offer my experience, strength, and hope."

- Liisa, in recovery since 2009

"My counselor was very understanding and willing to go the extra mile to see that my needs were met."

"I learned how to trust again and open up to except care and kindness."

"My counselor was very good about bringing issues to my attention that I was uncomfortable with but needed to address. Difficult issues that I saw what needed to be done would be talked through with."

"Working on relapse prevention and getting adjusted to working and fitting my recovery into my daily schedule as well as dealing with some close family losses I had while I was here."

"I left a lot of baggage here that I have been dragging around for decades. This program is about improving as a person and sobriety comes along with it."